BC: TransLink Spins Public

Author: Jordan Bateman 2015/06/16

TransLink finally got around to putting out their 2014 year-end financials today. I’ll likely have more on this in the days to come, but here are some thoughts as I read the document:

  • If this is such great news for TransLink, why did they bury it until after the plebiscite voting closed?
  • Ian Jarvis, the CEO who just won’t go away, was paid $15,610 more in 2014 than 2013. That’s total compensation of $483,625.
  • Doug Kelsey was demoted from TransLink COO to SkyTrain prez/GM. TransLink says he took a paycut – but he made $33K more than the last Skytrain prez/GM.
  • CFO Cathy McLay made $25K more in 2014 than she did in 2012. Some “pay freeze.”
  • TransLink operating cost per service hour went up from $133.10 to $137.38.
  • Farebox cost recovery dropped 2.2 points to 53.4%.
  • Spending went up $20 million last year. Odd, since the news release claims they “saved” us money.
  • TransLink corp ops spending went from $74.9m to $80.6m.
  • Transit Police ran $2.2m over budget, spending $34.4m last year.
  • TransLink admin spending jumped 13% last year.
  • I stand to be corrected, but I didn’t see TransLink board(s) pay or $75K salaries released. Did I miss it?

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Franco Terrazzano
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